Let’s put the wild, back into the Wild West.
Shopping with Wild & Wandering Co. is more than just adding to your closet. It’s supporting a dream and a family. It’s supporting artisinal work that is made by my own two hands. It’s investing in quality pieces that will outlast you & I.

About Me
I’m Morgan Wood. I’m the brains, hands, ideas, face, and squirrel moments behind Wild & Wandering Co. I’ll be honest, I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I do know that I always thought I could do it all. I remember being about 10, thinking I could be a veterinarian and a lawyer and Dallas Cowboy’s cheerleader and a nascar driver and I even thought somehow, with all my spare time, I might become the first woman president. So I’ve always been ambitious, though now, my ambitions are more reasonable and based on doing what makes me feel fulfilled. I may still have way too much on my plate now, but at least I let go of silly fantasies and found what makes me happy. Through my 28 years, the one interest that hung on for dear life was art. I’ve always loved to draw and paint and create and even went to college for it, because I didn’t know what else to go for. I grew up riding, going to the stockyards and sale barns and working with my grandpa. He had cattle and land and there was always work that needed to be done. It was only natural that I eventually found my way to leather work.

In 2018, at 22, I still had no real idea what I was doing with my life, but on a road trip to Vegas & Colorado with my now husband, we stayed up late dreaming together, and it hit me. I knew, in the snowy mountains of Aspen, I suddenly had a clear idea of exactly what I wanted my future to be. The funny thing is, it’s never changed since then, only refined. I know today, just as strongly as I did then, what my path is. And with the support of my very patient husband and our father, God, I’m chasing it.
Now, in 2025, I am still hand crafting leather goods & silver + turquoise jewelry. I offer a really cool + unique felt hat bar & I have a full mobile boutique where I travel to events and markets & am featured in mercantiles boutiques. As soon as we figure out where we want to settle down & hang out hats, I will be opening my own store front. So if you’re here, reading this, supporting my small business and big dream, I give my sincerest appreciation to every single one of you, who are helping me realize my dreams.
Let’s meet! Here is my event schedule.